Aromatherapy is one of the alternative therapies that we use at Dinas Homeopathic Clinic.

Such clinical therapies as acupuncture, homeopathy and aromatherapy are based on the idea of “vital energy”: in acupuncture: it is the system of meridians; in homeopathy: it is a homeopathic dilution, transferring the energy of plants and minerals. 

In aromatherapy: it is the energy transmitting in the molecules of smell; the energy, which is derived from the different plants. Aromatic oils or essences, as they are often called, are the liquid components of the aromatic plants; they are located in some special cells or parts of the plants. They can be found in the leaves of eucalyptus, in trees (sandalwood), in fruit (orange, lemon), in seeds (caraway) and roots. Plants create aromatic oils for their own needs: for growth and reproduction, to attract bees that transfer the pollen, etc.

Different parts of the plants are used for the production of aromatic oils by the special process of evaporation.  It determines the value of the oil, i.e. the cost of its production.  For example, from 100 kg of lavender you may get about 2.5 liters of Lavender oil, while 100 kg of rose petals gives only 0.5 liter of the oil, that is why a purchasing price of rose oil will be higher. The main classical method of aromatic oil production is a direct distillation, which is the improved version of the ancient Egyptian method called “clay-pot”. Herbs or roots are placed in a metal volumetric cylinder, where they come into contact with the vapors and into the direct contact with water.  Oils heat and boil evaporating into the condenser, and then – into the separator.

There are some other methods to produce aromatic oils:

Steam Distillation: this method is similar to the previous one, except that the parts of the plant do not come into the direct contact with water but only with the vapors.

Vacuum Distillation: by changing the air pressure, i.e. by reducing the pressure inside the apparatus, we get the vacuum that extracts the aromatic components from the plant.

What is inside of the aromatic oils? All aroma-oils are antiseptics, and many of them have anti-inflammatory qualities. Dr. Jean Valnet – one of the French pioneers researching aromatherapy, used it for healing the soldiers’ wounds during the World War II. Aromatic oils work on the level of the homeopathic rules.  They stimulate the organism’s abilities of self-cleaning, stabilizing the secretory canals and self-changing.

Chemical content of the aromatic oils is very complicated.  Many of them contain about 100 components of the active substances.  This explains why the same oil can help at very different pathological processes starting from the inflammation and ending with the cleaning of the organism involving elimination of the toxic elements. All the substances of the oils are most certainly natural in their origin and they are totally unique.

Dr. Jean Valnet in France earlier, Dr. Moskvina (pediatrician treating children), and Dr. Shilovskikh (MD, pediatrician, and a homeopath), all of them in their works have proved that the mixtures of the aroma-therapeutic oils provide even more powerful healing effect than some single oils.  They have also proved that aromatherapy may be a wonderful addition to the homeopathy during the intervals in the homeopathic treatment.

During my 18 years of practice as a homeopath and as an acupuncturist, I have been using aroma oils in-between homeopathic courses, which results in a stimulation of the secretory systems of the organism.  This method provides wonderful results, which we can confirm later by doing irido-diagnostics and electro-dermal screening of the systems of meridians.  For example, the use of Suniperus and later, during the break, inhalations of aromatic oils of Rosemary and Eucalyptus, provide an outstanding fortifying effect for kidneys and bladder, which reinforces a normalizing ability of the organism in this area.

Inhalations of Lemona Okonge, during the break in constitutional homeopathic therapy treatment, speeds up the regulating abilities of the organism in all directions.  I had an opportunity to compare this effect and to see the positive difference.

Short History of Aromatherapy

In 1920 French chemist Rene Gattefosse was the first who officially researched aroma-therapeutic oils, and who came up with the name for this science – “Aromatherapy”.  In 1925 in Russia, Doctor Doglov performed series of researches at the medical clinic, where he proved an amazing role of aromatherapy in treatment of many pathologic conditions.  You have probably heard some mystical stories of native people, who walked hundreds of kilometers in the woods and could find their way without a map, using exclusively their sense of smell. Animals, when get sick, also have the ability to find a grass they need only by its smell.  This is one of the aromatherapy varieties. Egyptians were the first who found and described wonderful effect of aromatherapy and its healing benefits.  After aromatherapy has spread out into China and India, where untill now in the Buddhist Temples, they burn grass that emits the aroma in the air.

Modern Aromatherapy

Nowadays aromatherapy is used in all countries and continents for relaxation, massage, internal taking – in drops and, of course, in inhalations, using different diffusers. Many doctors and practitioners have proved the possibilities of aromatherapy.

Today aromatherapy plays a serious role together with the other alternative therapies – reflexology, massage, acupuncture and homeopathy.

In my practice, as I have mentioned earlier, I use selected aroma-oils, which I often test on the computer by measuring the electric conductivity of the points (see test A, B, C).  In many cases I manage to select individual oil, which will transfer the individual vibrations for each individual patient. From my point of view, a complex use of homeopathy, phytotherapy and aromatherapy always provides the best results in treatment, opening up the drainage abilities of the secretory organs.