Homeopathy is a medical approach that respects the wisdom of the body.

It utilizes medicines that stimulate the body’s own immune system to initiate the healing process. It is an approach that individualizes medicines according to the person’s physical, emotional, and mental symptoms.

It is an approach that is widely recognized to be safe. The study of homeopathy was founded in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann (1753 – 1843), a German physician and chemist who had become disillusioned with the conventional practice of medicine.

Hahneman based his innovative medical treatment on the healing power of good diet, exercise, fresh air, and minimum doses of natural medications. To understand the science and art of Homeopathy, it is necessary first of all to define some important assumptions that homeopathy has about healing.

“The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were when we created them.” Albert Einstein

The Similimum or Law of Similars

This basic law of homeopathy is the “similia similibus currentur”: “let like be cured with like”. The first homeopathic principle states that any substance that can make you ill can also cure you – anything that is capable of producing symptoms of disease in a healthy person can cure those symptoms in a sick person.

By ‘symptoms’ the homeopath means those changes that are physically felt by the patient (subjective) or observed (objective), which may be associated with a particular disease.

Conventional medicine is aware about this “law”. Immunizations are based on the principle of the similars. Conventional medicine also uses homeopathic-like therapy in choosing radiation to treat people with cancer (radiation causes cancer), digitalis for heart conditions (digitalis creates heart conditions).

Modern allergy treatment utilizes the homeopathic approach by the use of small doses of allergens in order to create an antibody response. But although these conventional treatments utilize the homeopathic law of the similars, they do not follow other fundamental principles of homeopathy.

The law of the similars is also a basic principle of physics. Do you remember magnets and how opposite poles attract while similar poles repel? If you place similar poles of a weakened magnet next to each other, the magnet will be recharged and will again repel itself from the other. So in homeopathy, like recharges, regenerates, heals like. The law of the similars is one of nature’s laws that when used properly, can be one of our greatest technologies.

The Whole Person

The concept of treating the “whole person” is an essential element of homeopathy. The basis of this belief is that symptoms, diseases, or pains do not exist in isolation, but are a reflection of how the person as a whole is coping with stress. It is the whole person that counts – not just the physical body but also the mental and /or emotional “bodies”.